What is E-Translate?
E-translate allows you to easily manage your translations by translating your website into many languages ​​within minutes.
Installation Guide
E-translate integrates with platforms such as T-Soft, Shopfiy, Connectprof. Check out the installation guides to easily set up e-translate and start translating your website.
Home page
It contains setup information for you on the homepage and buttons for quick access.
When you install the E-Translate application through the T-Soft application market, your APIs will be automatically reflected in the system.
With Connectprof E-Translate, the products available in your marketplace are translated.
When you install the E-Translate application via shopify, your APIs will be automatically reflected in the system.
User information
You can update user information, change your photo, update your password and e-mail with Settings>user information.
Balance Loading
Balance loading is the field where you display the date, description, number of characters you have translated and the amounts depending on it.
Available Languages
E-Translate provides the opportunity to translate in many languages.