The category page is the area where the categories on your website are transferred for translation.
Translate: Select the language in the window that opens after clicking the Translate button for the desired field.
Export: It is used to export the rows you selected in excel format.
Import: Used to import exported excel file.
Synchronous: With Synchronize, you can view your previously translated products that are not currently in e-translate on e-translate with the synchronize button.
It is the area on the products page where the products on your website are transferred for translation. You can search by product name, you can easily filter the product you want with filter.
Translate: Select the language in the window that opens after clicking the Translate button for the desired field.
Import: Used to import exported excel file.
Export: It is used to export the rows you selected in excel format.
Synchronous: With Synchronize, you can view your previously translated products that are not currently in e-translate on e-translate with the synchronize button.
Filter: With the filtering options, you can select a category and translate the products in the category you choose, you can only translate over the brand you choose by choosing a brand, and it is used to filter the translations in the language you specify by using the language filtering.
According to the translation status: You can filter by translation status and filter only translated or untranslated products.
According to Active/Passive Status: It allows you to filter according to whether your products are currently on sale or not.
According to Stock Status: It filters according to whether your products are in stock or not.
This is the area where you can translate the features of your products.
Excluded Fields
It shows the excluded fields and the fields you want to translate on the basis of product and category.
Product Areas: It shows the fields you want to translate in the products. Here, select the fields you want to translate in the products.
Category: Indicates the fields you want to translate in categories. Here, select the fields you want to translate in the categories.